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Artist Kirsten McAlister

Kirsten is an extremely talented Scottish artist and personal friend. Originally from Shetland, now living in Rosewell, Midlothian, she studied at Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen.

A wonderful studio space has recently been installed at the back of her garden so I was very excited to be invited along to photograph her most treasured pieces, including sketch book work and very recent paintings. A few of the paintings were still not quite dry which highlights just how fast she can work!! With a young family she hasn't had much time to focus on her painting but now the children are getting a little older she can take herself off more easily and get in the 'zone' whenever she can.

Kirsten's style is diverse and abstract at times. She sees opportunities in things that most of us wouldn't think twice about. Many of her works and sketches are based on observations seen whilst in Italy during her Royal Scottish Academy, John Kinross Scholarship. Some of the regions explored being Florence, Venice and Pompeii. Bin bags at the side of a derelict road in Italy and tyre tracks in the snow in a car park are just a couple of subjects she has tackled. She is simply an incredible artist and I don't think she realises just how good she is. Some of these works are enormous, chunky canvases. Enjoy looking at this selection of her best work, ranging from moody seascapes to an incredible picture of her mum and her two daughters, Chloe and Sophie. Kirsten is working on a new website depicting her work so keep an eye out in the next few weeks.

The studio at Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen where Kirsten studied and spent many hours

Pompeii, Italy with Mount Vesuvius in the background. Typical of the kind of scene Kirsten is passionate about painting

Beautiful seascape from Kirsten's imagination

Kirsten uses oil paint and acrylics

A market scene in Italy

Kirsten's mother with her two daughters Chloe and Sophie

Kirsten working in her new studio space

The new studio is in Kirsten's garden

Kirsten has a trained eye and sees potential in the more unusual subject

One of her more abstract pieces

A small seascape

You can follow Kirsten on Instagram

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