Lockdown. There have been tantrums, home schooling meltdowns, many moments of boredom and sheer fed up'ness. There have been Dens, a LOT of lego building, games of Kerplunk, YouTube, daily walks, dodgy haircuts, a LOT of telly, and screen time. There's been lots of wine. We've sticked, glued, upcycled and cut out like our lives depended on it. (I suppose they did, in a way) Any piece of cardboard has been scrutinised carefully before heading for the recycle bin. The living room has become a temporary soft play centre. I don't think there has been one day when the sofa cushions have remained on the sofa. We've worked our way through 1000 piece jigsaws. 3 I think. There has been model making. That's my husband having a midlife crisis. We've baked when we could get our hands on flour. I've attempted some home learning. I've given up on home learning. Joe Wicks wasn't a great hit in our house but Cosmic Kids yoga.... How did I not know about this??! Sewing. I've done a lot of sewing.
We've spent a lot of time in the garden. It better be stunning this year as it has had a lot of attention and to be honest my little patch of haven has been a regular destination towards a calmer mind. We set a tent up at the start and I thought about using it as a sort of classroom. Somewhere separate from the house to go and attempt to educate. It was welcomed at first and the kids were keen but the novelty soon wore off and it's now back in the bag. We haven't managed a camp out in the garden yet. Thank goodness for the nice weather we had towards the end of spring. It did make things easier. We've had welly throwing competitions, obstacle courses, wigwam building, water fights, seed planting, bug collecting, paddling pool fun and lots of rock painting. We've made fairy doors for the local woodland and Eva has been determined to entice the birds onto her hand with seed. Oh and Douglas has learned to ride his big bike. :-) Not got much proper work done. :-I
I'm knackered. How are you?